Os negacionistas da cidade dos 15 minutos

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Pior do que os negacionistas, diria que são os populistas que usam os chavões para se fingirem defensores do conceito enquanto rumam em direcção diferente.
Moedas é o exemplo perfeito

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Outro podcast sobre o tópico.


“15-minute cities” are having a moment, and not exactly in a good way. How did a mundane urban planning concept turn into the latest grist for the culture-war mill? Why does the idea of making it easier to walk to school or the grocery store have some people afraid that they won’t be able to leave their homes for more than 15 minutes? And why do some think this is all a plot by the World Economic Forum to force people to “own nothing and be happy”? We break down this conspiracy theory and ask if we can ever get back to reality.

De algures:
Thought-provoking take on 15-minute cities: “If you can get to the coffee shop within fifteen minutes, but the barista who makes your drink can’t afford to live closer than a half-hour away, then you live in a theme park.”

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Do Marco te Brömmelstroet (“Cycling Professor”):

The ‘15 Minute City’ builds on decades of academic research. Now it is subjected to conspiracy theories and hostile debates.

Carlos Moreno is facing harassment & death-threats. This is UNACCEPTABLE.

Please support Carlos by signing the online petition:

As vossas opiniões sobre isto, sf,
Interessa-me especialmente a do liberal @Aonio_Lourenco

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Parece me o tipico documentário americano a proteger o popó.

Claro que se o conceito da cidade de 15minutos for baseado na restrição da liberdade de circulação dos habitantes,não será uma solução viável para a nossa sociedade…

A segunda, 22/05/2023, 22:35, Sérgio Loureiro via Fórum da MUBi <[email protected]> escreveu: